Times are changing. A standing committee made up of local citizens familiar with the West Side Barrier Bar Park is needed to oversee this unique area. Development pressure is on the rise. The lake’s shoreline dynamics are changing. We need planning and protection for our Park. Over the last few years the west side barrier bar park has been subject to inconsistent and sometimes inappropriate management practices. (Recent examples include destruction of a turtle nesting area and construction of the chain link fence which has blocked access to nesting and loafing areas for turtles, waterfowl,and other birds and animals. And people.) But the park remains popular as a free access point to the lake shore and the bay and hundreds ?maybe thousands? use it through summer months.Even in winter bird watchers, dog walkers and lake watchers visit it. Funds for park maintenance are limited so there are good opportunities for volunteer involvement. A Bay Betterment Member recently offered to initiate effort for maintenance and repair/replacement of picnic tables and repair of the “invasive weed box” beside the ramp. Another would-be volunteer suggested a organizing a fund raising event to support Barrier Bar needs.Still another park user expressed a desire for more informative signage to protect sensitive areas and volunteered to create it. We need a stable consistent program of management and A Committee that would work with the Village Bar Steward and with volunteers and the village board to see that it gets done. This Committee would include individuals with knowledge of the bar’s history, unique ecology and shoreline dynamics. The Committee would coordinate and promote volunteer activities to maintain the bar. The Committee would engage in outreach and education to the public about this unique area. The Committee would consult with knowledgeable sources and objective experts before any further “improvements” are made to the area. The Committee would also seek outside funding for research, properly vetted and designed improvements and restoration of natural areas of the park. NO MORE SHORT FORM EAF’s!! Free The Turtles!

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