Is there a fee to use the park?
Donations happily accepted for use of this FREE park

What’s the fence for?
The shoreline stabilization project includes steel rebar hold downs of erosion mat. These are trip hazards especially during high water in early summer and could also impede small boat navigation. The placement of these is temporary until the vegetation establishes. See below.

What are the sticks on the bay shore all about?
In 2022 a shoreline stabilization project was initiated using cuttings of various trees and bushes. The roots of willow, dogwood, and other established plant cuttings resist erosion as they help hold together the shore. Eventually the vegetation will also supply food and cover to wildlife. ** for more info visit

What are the rock piles out in the bay for?
These were placed to protect the shore from wave action and boat wakes

What are the sensitive areas for?
These are nursery areas used by several species of ground nesting birds and animals. This is why walkers should respect the little critters ?(and ticks?) and stay on the trail north of the pond especially in the spring and summer.

Who pays for the totes, picnic tables, porta potties?
The village of Fair Haven.

Why are all the brush and weeds in the middle of the park left there?
This is habitat for a variety of animals including fox, rabbits, turkey, reptiles including map turtles. Migrating birds also stop over. Undeveloped lake shore including this park is designated as an Important Birding Area by Audubon because of its use as resting and feeding areas during spring migration.

What is best time for bird watching?
Early morning during spring migration is a good time to check brushy areas for traveling neo tropicals that cross the lake at night. Also April- May for migrant travel along the shore line. On days with south winds many soaring raptors follow the shoreline east. Winter ducks use open water in bay and channel for foraging.

Where does the pond get its water from?
The pond water seeps through the gravel from bay and lake. Its level changes with the seasonal level changes of Lake Ontario. ( highest in June, lowest in December)

How about swimming?
Not allowed, no lifeguards. Caution when wading near breakwater as turbulence and currents in rough water are DANGEROUS. Ditto anywhere along the south shore where the fence has been installed due to erosion mat hold downs

How about camping?
Sorry for humans -not at this time!

Are there ticks?
For more info check ****

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